I’m celebrating my 50th year as an artist now looking at 1998-1999, a big turning point time. It was a time of experiencing the empty nest as my kids fledged and simultaneously engaging with a large body of oil paintings that Greg titled “Cosmic Nest.” This period culminated with designing our home, moving to Kentucky and building our new nest.
Cosmic Nest is the Sanctuary for all that is creative. It is a place that contains all that we wish to nurture. It is the time of power, the present. Inside the Cosmic Nest you are in the right place at the right time. You are at peace.
The Cosmic Nest holds every good thing needed to create, to love, to thrive, to be: all prayers, all wisdom, all elements, EACH OTHER, all communication, all atoms and stars, all sacred geometry, all energy and material.
The photo below shows the same view as above.