Mid-Winter Studio Update 2025
I am grateful for the creativity that bubbles up from mystery. This cold snowy season has provided long quiet days to proceed with creative activities. I’d like to share what’s going on. (more…)
I am grateful for the creativity that bubbles up from mystery. This cold snowy season has provided long quiet days to proceed with creative activities. I’d like to share what’s going on. (more…)
Just in the nick of time I looked back at this incredible year and wrote the ReView, it’s always satisfying. Do you practice this as well? (more…)
The best title for this diptych eludes me, so I’m calling it “Breadcrumbs” which refers to an assignment to follow the breadcrumbs suggested by Nicolas Wilton. (more…)
Whether you celebrate The Night of the Ancestors (Samhuin), Dias de la Muertos, Halloween, or all of them, Happy Mid-Autumn Celebrations! (more…)
If lilacs can bloom in October, certainly I can honor that by memorializing the occasion. Funny, I had started correcting “Lilac Enchantment” in the summer, maybe because I missed them blooming at their usual April appearance. (more…)
The Long Journey Home is a series of four acrylic paintings. What began as expressions of feelings, with no thought of what the paintings would become, (more…)
Pocket Books is a collaboration with Ellen Reinkraut that combines affirmations she sent to me many years ago. (more…)
Continuing with the equinox ~ equinox project, I was happy to be back home and get back to work. Maybe I was trying to create a cool respite from the heat. (more…)
Continuing with the equinox ~ equinox project, I must have been imagining how the road to Colorado on the Pony Express would look the following week.
Continuing with the equinox ~ equinox project, one thing I began to consider was painting over some collaged watercolors. (more…)