Art Lovers Spring into Art
Spring Into Art exceeded all expectations. I’m still floating with good feelings remembering some of the highlights of art lovers flocking to the event. It is a major joy to witness 34 artworks leaving with happy collectors. I wish I had taken a picture of the free art table before the event started. That was the secondary surprise, you sort of had to be there!
For me as the artist, the fun is talking to each person about the art they are attracted to, Most who came were dear art lover friends, whose collections are growing, whose taste in art I’m deepening my knowledge of. It often intrigues me which art magnetizes a person, especially if it would not be a first choice of mine. Every one is so individual, what people like is subjective and what they are buying for varies. What a great dad who buys art for his fifteen year old son’s birthday, lucky young man. What a sweet mom who buys each daughter a meaningful collage and also treats herself to a deserved reward, a necklace.
Then there are the random meetings that expand my deep knowing how powerful the lure of art is. I’m referring to the two adventurous women who saw the ART sign on the highway, and followed their intuition down my narrow country lane wondering if they’d missed the place, but kept going. They were former art teachers who had an inspiring day, came home with framed art, and now I have new friends from a distant part of the state.
Another memory that makes me smile are the art lovers who showed up with a art shopping list of about six items in mind to acquire. Wow, yes, everybody, make your list now while the artist is alive!
Probably the most meaningful for me was talking at length with Josh and Lauren about the new series “Atlas of the Year”, which I have finished four out of twelve, and had displayed on a table with their sketches. They understand the relevance and importance of the integration of art, healing, and meaning in regards to energies of the time and place, the four seasons – four directions. It is something wonderful to look forward to showing “Atlas of the Year” at their destination “Centered” in Lexington. Stay tuned for details.
We were ever grateful for the day, that was calm, bright and dry. Some lovers preferred to stroll around the fig nursery and sit on the fountain bench under the elm. Some were fascinated by the deep, deep beds (no bending over!) now that they are green with salad. Others luxuriated on the west porch bench for a tete-à-tete, hugged by the lilac bushes. discussing the merits of a art filled life, I’m guessing. There are more flowers than ever for this time of year. Folks brought home Iris, the flower of art, for their garden.
So thank you all art lovers for coming and refreshing your souls on this land at the auspicious time of Beltane. May the flowers continue to abound.