In Light of the Snow, guest post by Greg Orth

In Light of the Snow, guest post by Greg Orth

In Light of the Snow, Guest Post by Greg Orth

The recent snowstorms brought the expected challenges, but it surprisingly also brought light, bright, evenly diffused light from all directions. As the builder of the studio, I had hoped to bring in light from as many directions as possible, even bouncing it off of the cathedral ceiling, yet I had not imagined the effect snow would have. (more…)

The Fourth Day of Christmas, Cancer

The Fourth Day of Christmas, Cancer

Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the fourth day of Christmas, corresponding to Cancer,  (approximately) June 21 – July 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Cancer type activities like make your home cozy. (more…)

Jacob March, Bead Master

Jacob March, Bead Master

As I was saying in my last post, I love visiting Jacob March at his Nomad Beads in Boulder, Colorado. I love to buy beads from him whenever I can. He travels and finds the most unusual beads and artifacts and knows more about them than anyone else I know. He loves to share his knowledge. I can trust him completely, which is important when buying old beads. He is always busy either making an extraordinary necklace with Tibetan or Roman beads or helping his many loyal customers fix a project.  (more…)