Continuing with the equinox ~ equinox project, I must have been imagining how the road to Colorado on the Pony Express would look the following week.
I tried to alter the feelings over the first layer, shown in the second photo. It looked too chaotic, grey, vague. I didn’t want that forecast for our annual pilgrimage.
Here is an example of a page spread covered with off white that was pointed out in the previous blog. My grandmother’s wallpaper made a deep impression on me. You can see what was covered up in the photo below this one. With acrylics I can always go back if it suits me. The triangle in my symbology is also fire.
Packing for a trip brings alive a love of traveling light. Not wanting to lug acrylic supplies, my art bag contained the rudimentary tools like pencils, watercolor crayons, glue stick, pens. It was a different sort of daily practice for the Midori journal. I missed using my handmade journal for watercolors that I usually bring.
Daily Art Practice 7.23
It was thrilling to live amongst tall Cottonwood trees, very old. Even in a town backyard the forest bathing quality of it was apparent. Soothing refreshing and entertaining. This family of trees formed the village of two juvenile Coopers hawks. They were not shy with their singing. We passed through time watching the babes fly to nearby limbs, expanding their perimeter daily. I made note of how their note looks from the Merlin app.
Lughnasa arrived with fires on 4 sides around us with 100 degree smoky air. We could not see the mountains. The sky was grey. My old friend, who showed us her new home after hers burned in the Marshall Fire, was attentive.
Lucille’s, where we’ve met friends for many years, was close, so we continued the tradition. Less drive time. They had red umbrellas. Red to me speaks of summer. Croissant from Libbus, and a story of Ricola, valuable for memory.