Yesterday I catalogued some of the beads from my collection that I’ll be talking about Saturday (Sept.16, 10-5) for the bead demo at Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill. It is a task I’ve been meaning to do for ages. The first photo is a display of my really old beads, like the shell ones found in a cave in Red River Gorge, possibly 10K years old. All of these Neolithic stone beads – quartz, pipestone, Carnelian – were drilled with a flint point, a staggering fact. As was the Roman Seal Bead in the second photo.
The next photos show ancient and antique carved stone and glass beads. Left to right: The first talisman I made in 1972 with various antique fetishes (MOP, jade, amethyst) and Hudson Bay Co. beads. Indian Tradewind beads, 2000 years old, necklace, the inner strand impossibly tiny! Roman blue & green glass necklace, Libya, 100-400 AD, with several small strands of Roman glass inside. Islamic glass necklace, 500 AD, very rare. Vintage Wampum necklace. 7 ancient roman Lapis Lazuli, 8 roman garnet 100-300 AD, 2 roman gold beads 100-400 AD. Ancient Egyptian Faience 600 BC. 6 Egyptian Carnelian, 400-100 BC, 12 Roman Carnelian 300-100 BC, (Germany), Ancient Egyptian Faience 600 BC necklace. Antique Italian coral necklace. 2 Naga Indian Carnelian, 1800. 2100 BC Bactrian spoon shaped, cylindrical & bird Lapis Lazuli, ancient carved agate & Carnelian, tiny Lapis Lazuli beads, Roman glass, necklace, very rare. 6 Old Kingdom Egyptian Lapis Lazuli cylinder beads (2650-2134 BC), 14 ancient Egyptian Lapis Lazuli beads, new turquoise & azurite/malachite beads necklace.

2100 BC Bactrian spoon shaped, cylindrical & bird Lapis Lazuli, ancient carved agate & Carnelian, tiny Lapis Lazuli beads, Roman glass, very rare

2100 BC Bactrian spoon shaped, cylindrical & bird Lapis Lazuli, ancient carved agate & Carnelian, tiny Lapis Lazuli beads, Roman glass, very rare

6 Old Kingdom Egyptian Lapis Lazuli cylinder beads (2650-2134 BC), 14 ancient Egyptian Lapis Lazuli beads, new turquoise & azurite/malachite beads
Beads and their history (of humanity) have captivated me, and I like to interest others in the study of bead craftsmanship. Come on Saturday if you want to see them in person!