Talismans, Bead Jewelry & Artifacts Premiering for Open Studio

Talismans, Bead Jewelry & Artifacts Premiering for Open Studio

Talismans, bead jewelry & artifacts are premiering for this year’s  Open Studio, first weekend in November. I’m excited to reveal what I’ve been creating this summer, revisiting my life-long love of beads. I consider  these Talismans to be 3-D collage, a layering of materials held together with cord, instead of glue. It is an honor to handle the beads in my collection- ancient, antique, vintage, handmade, semi-precious stone and just plain pretty new ones. They are  assembled together into power objects, Talismans, to adorn your body or the wall of your cozy home. (more…)

Sunwise Celebrations Bead Party

Sunwise Celebrations Bead Party

We found out at the Sunwise Celebrations Bead Party that while beading is our passion, it is even more fun to gather together to progress with our projects. For one thing it takes such a long time to work with them, if you are using seed beads for weaving or loom work, or designing a variety that will be collaged together into jewelry or wall art. (more…)