present: Atlas of the Year Exhibit

present: Atlas of the Year Exhibit


If you write a newsletter, are you struggling to come up with your own true title, different from others? This is a topic that a group of online presenters has been discussing. Instead of Mid-Season Studio Updates I want to use just one word, which makes it a bit challenging. If it were completely to the point it would be “communication”. True but dull.


Celebrating Mid-Autumn 2018, Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Autumn 2018, Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Autumn 2018, Studio Update

How can it be mid-autumn? Try as I might to keep up with the speed of it all, I seem to become exponentially slower.

I announce the culminating event of my 50th Year as an Artist, my 10th Annual Autumn Open Studio on November 3, which will include an architectural feature as well as an array of new products, art and bead necklaces. (more…)

Mid-Summer Studio Update

Mid-Summer Studio Update

Atlas of the Year continues to be my central focus. I am thrilled to announce next spring’s online class – read all the details on this page. Much is involved with creating all the components, I work steadily on producing the content and extras, ideas that will bring more meaning and celebration into your daily life. (more…)

Celebrating Mid-Spring Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Spring Studio Update

It’s been a time of quiet progress since the last studio update, when I was focused on writing. That brought me to the finish line for Atlas of the Year, at least the writing and artwork. Next, it will take on several forms. For starters, the first installment of a print version is Atlas of the Year, Spring, East, Journal which I’m excited to premier at Spring Into Art, the next open studio April 28. In the works: a class, Atlas of the Year: mapping the path of our true being. (more…)

Celebrating Mid-Winter Studio Update 2018

Celebrating Mid-Winter Studio Update 2018

Celebrating Mid-Winter, Studio Update, 2018 is the year I am celebrating my 50th year as an artist. I am grateful for the creativity still bubbling up from mystery. The snow days have provided long quiet days to proceed with the creative tasks at hand. I’d like to share what’s going on. This is another favorite time of year,  when we see the first signs of spring, Imbolc, Candlemas, Ground Hog Day!

The biggest focus as I write is preparing for the next Sunwise Open Studios Celebrations on February 10, I look forward to seeing you here. (more…)

Celebrating Mid-Autumn 2017, Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Autumn 2017, Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Autumn, Studio Update

Welcome to mid-season studio update with news since mid-summer; Annual Open Studios ARTTOUR, new art, and more. We are grateful that the hard work of summer is behind us, our gardens fed us well, our milkweed has attracted more Monarchs than ever.  (more…)

The Light of Equinox

The Light of Equinox

The Light of Equinox

The diminishing light of Equinox informs me to shift into a higher gear. The seemingly endless light and heat of the summer slows me down, it seems lie there is so much time. Everything is growing on it’s own, then the lessening light makes everything ripen to the point of instant (more…)

Celebrating Mid-Summer, Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Summer, Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Summer, Studio Update

Welcome to mid-season studio update with news since mid-spring of Sunwise Open Studios Celebrations, shows and art. This is another favorite time of year, when we lounge behind (more…)

Celebrating Mid-Spring Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Spring Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Spring Studio Update

Here we are at the light half of the year again –  Beltane, May Day! I’m celebrating with a grand Spring Into Art Event, a Sunwise Open Studios Celebration. Join in the fun on April 29, from 1-4 pm. I have a big surprise for you, that you won’t want to miss. (more…)