ReView and Retreat
Sometimes I make myself crazy over what colors to choose from (54 watercolors in my main palette with movable pans. Plus (more…)
Sometimes I make myself crazy over what colors to choose from (54 watercolors in my main palette with movable pans. Plus (more…)
Stanley D. Brunn, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography, University of Kentucky, Lexington,is writing his seventh mega book with Springer publishing company, TIME JOURNEYS. (more…)
I’ve been trying to think of how to make my current art project sexy, or at the very least, humorous.
It is S L O W W O R K (more…)
2.22.22, twoday, my day in the studio; I am starting on the more daunting project of documenting art from the 1980’s and 1990’s. To back up, (more…)
Happy Lughnasa, time of the first harvest. This time last year life at Sunwise Farm and Sanctuary was all about “Art of the Garden”, growing (more…)
“Seeing from Both Sides” is a little black and white book that started with the Beltane bonfire. In a rare moment of clarity, I remembered (more…)
We started this year thinking the winter would be mild. Many days I had the front door to the studio open. Now we have another fiery icy mid-winter to add to the memory banks. It seems to hit around Valentines’ Day. (more…)
I am excited to share what’s new; Spring Into Art, progress in the Studio Annex, a new art medium, the birds and botanicals of Sunwise, beads and bracelets, Atlas of the Year open for enrollment and the Carnegie show was great, I hope you saw it! (more…)
Let’s Make It is the theme of my next series of classes. It’s going to be so much fun for me, oh yeah, for you too. A certain youngster who lives inside is the leader in this project. The idea came to me a couple of weeks ago in smatterings, (more…)
2018 is starting off really busy, with the completion of this year’s Mandala from “Lotus and Lily” writing in December, fashioning new and old necklaces from “Christmas Beads” and other newly acquired antique beads, and the ever important element, coffee. (more…)