The best title for this diptych eludes me, so I’m calling it “Breadcrumbs” which refers to an assignment to follow the breadcrumbs suggested by Nicolas Wilton. The idea was to look back at our previous art to learn what components – color, shape, symbol for instance – are still relevant and present in our art currently. The process was to begin loosely with play and not much thought.
First I decided on the pallet which is one I’ve been refining recently. Next, chose collage elements that I am attracted to. It had been a long time since I worked on large paper, so I chose Legion Stonehenge, a new one for me. I longed to begin by marking the smooth surface with my homemade walnut ink as the foundation of design. In the final versions traces of the ink are visible. This honors the integrity of first thoughts. And first messes.
Once it was divided I built up layers of paint by toning down the colors to be the salmon, aqua and soft yellow I was conjuring – the colors borrowed from dawn. It looked familiar, and I found several “Book of Light pages” from 2002 that reverberated the atmospheric feeling. Then more recently a series “Alexander’s Library Season Catalogues”.
Birds have been prominent in my work through the years, also music, circles, feathers, beloved mountains and hills, maps, writing and invented script, pathways, arches. These are the breadcrumbs I am following into the next work of art along with spaciousness, imagination, and mostly – lightheartedness.
By the way, peace on earth.