I am grateful for the creativity that bubbles up from mystery. This cold snowy season has provided long quiet days to proceed with creative activities. I’d like to share what’s going on. This is another favorite time of year, when we see the first signs of spring ~ Imbolc, Candlemas, Ground Hog Day! This quiet time of Imbolc gives me space to appreciate my creative journey since mid-autumn.

Imbolc 2025, fire and ice

Imbolc 2025, fire and ice

Morning Glories are crowned the “Queen of Autumn”. The photo below of the east porch living screen was taken on November 29, the day before they froze. Usually this happens in October. This year they survived the drought only because we watered them, to provide needed shade. They had a burst of energy when the rains from the hurricanes came in September. We love them so much. Also, for the first time I cut some for indoor bouquets, in case of a freeze. Over a several week period, I drew and painted them in my journal.

Morning glory on 11.29

Morning glory on 11.29


Daily Art Practice 11.14, 11.15, 11.18 and 12.12 details

Daily Art Practice 11.14, 11.15, 11.18 and 12.12 details

Annual Autumn Open Studio was the only exhibition I had of new work for the year. It was empowering to maintain the focus of painting in a spacious container that circumvented promotion. In this space the stories that the hand, paint and brush were expressing resulted in series on the themes of belonging and longing.

details of acrylic paintings by Kathleen O'Brien

details of acrylic paintings by Kathleen O’Brien

I am open to what can be expressed through me in the present. It takes courage when I approach what has not existed before and it is up to me to lay that down on a surface. Especially when it’s about what is experienced and sensed below the surface appearance. How do I transmute a negative impasse? I just keep painting. My mind plays a change the lyrics of Joanie Mitchel’s song, “don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got till its hung?”. When I can look around with a smile at my paintings, ready to open the doors to my beloved friends and collectors, I am whole.


front room set up for the open studio

front room set up for the open studio


new paintings shown at the Open Studio

new paintings shown at the Open Studio


Soon after the Open Studio I had cataract surgery. Below is the second painting in my journal after the procedures. Colors were dazzling all of a sudden. I needed to study the difference between cobalt blue and ultramarine blue to use the best one for morning glories. I’m still adjusting to the changes.

Daily Art Practice 11.8

Daily Art Practice 11.8


Winter Solstice mid-day sun

Winter Solstice mid-day sun

On the shortest day of the year, we receive the most light into our home. This gives a luxurious feeling inside. Winter can be green. Through the holidays, and still, we are enjoying fresh arugula, spinach, herbs that Greg is tending in the unheated greenhouse. My favorite Christmas gifts were glass watering bulbs and Paperwhite bulbs from friends and a candlelit evergreen centerpiece from my daughter that is still on the table.

arugula from the greenhouse

arugula from the greenhouse


Water Globe in the geranium

Water Globe in the geranium

For this year’s mandala I wrote my notes, thoughts and prayers from December retreat on a large sheet of Arches Cover with pencil. I made a few marks with my homemade vine charcoal. I tore it in half and used the same colors on each panel. This is a work in progress that I am taking my time with, crafting the way forward.

Lilies, first layer

Lilies, first layer


Lilies, forth layers

Lilies, fourth layers


Lilies, sixth layer left side, WIP

Lilies, sixth layer left side, work in progress


Lilies, eighth layers

Lilies, eighth layers, still work in progress

Honestly, I’m in a battle with representational and abstract art.

Winter is the perfect time to immerse oneself in the color white. I welcome a clean slate. It’s a good time to gesso wood panels to be ready when the time is right. For a different substrate, I brushed a vertical texture. More to be revealed later. The studio is at times too bright!

Winter Stillife

Winter Still life


Winter Stillife

Winter Still life

I summed up the entire year in Year Review. 2024 Year ReView KO’B

We are half way through the dark half of the year. It means very much to me that you read and take what I write to heart. Thank you.

My darling grandson is growing up in a happy way.

Drawing of Alexander, detail

A little birthday drawing of Alexander, detail