

One of the first talisman bead necklaces I made started out as a single strand piece. A few years later I used a bone spacer to design a three-tier necklace out of the same beads, making it a shorter. The stringing material was still intact, but I decided to restring it (more…)

Chakra Necklaces

Chakra Necklaces

Chakra Necklaces are a series of monochromatic talismans, in chromatic scale, inspired by the seven main energy centers of the body, vortexes that connect the subtle energies and consciousness with the body. (more…)

Radical Attention to Detail

Radical Attention to Detail

As I was spending multiple minutes on trying to find an ancient peach colored Tradewinds bead that would accommodate two strands of linen thread, to bury the end thread, it occurred to me that I have always had radical attention to detail when it comes to bead work. (more…)

Talismans for Wandering Stars, Celebration, and Hope

Talismans for Wandering Stars, Celebration, and Hope

The inspiration for “Talismans for Wandering Stars, Celebration, and Hope” came in suddenly the other day to repurpose face masks I designed (more…)

Off the Cuff, Casually and Spontaneously

Off the Cuff, Casually and Spontaneously

New Wrist Cuffs

Off the Cuff, is the phrase occurred to me for a title for this post about three new wrist cuffs. When I looked up the meaning, “casually and spontaneously” (more…)

Adorn Yourself and Your Walls

Adorn Yourself and Your Walls

Adorn Yourself and Your Walls, was the idea that came to me when the sun was brilliantly shining into the studio. Rather than use the usual white background, I could pose the new bead jewelry on the newest watercolor series, October.

Celebrating Mid-Spring Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Spring Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Spring Studio Update

Isn’t this just the most favorite time of year for many people? The lusty month of May lies ahead at Mid-Spring, Beltane, Mother’s Day, Earth Day and here in Kentucky, Derby Day. All the green is busting out, like we humans are also emerging out of the pandemic. There is much to be grateful for. (more…)

Celebrating Mid-Winter Studio Update 2021

Celebrating Mid-Winter Studio Update 2021

The returning and increasing light is daily perceptible and cheering. This Imbolc, Candlemas time is associated with St. Bridgid. Mid-winter seems more like pre-spring when I notice robins congregating on the lawn. (more…)

Perfect Valentine Gifts

Perfect Valentine Gifts

Perfect Valentine Gifts await you at this Saturday’s Winter Salon Open Studio Celebration. And feel welcome to create some paper Valentines to take home. I made some special necklaces, Talismans for Abundance, Passion, Affection and Love for the occasion. (more…)