by Kathleen O'Brien | Mar 11, 2015 | art shows, mediums, talismans
All the snow and now torrential rain has put me in the mood to create four new watery talismans for the exhibit (reception March 20). The Talisman for Water was first pictured with the watercolor background in this post. The rainbow was added as a hopeful reminder that eventually precipitation does stop. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Mar 5, 2015 | 4 seasons, art shows, inspiration, Open Studio
In Light of the Snow, Guest Post by Greg Orth
The recent snowstorms brought the expected challenges, but it surprisingly also brought light, bright, evenly diffused light from all directions. As the builder of the studio, I had hoped to bring in light from as many directions as possible, even bouncing it off of the cathedral ceiling, yet I had not imagined the effect snow would have. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Mar 4, 2015 | mediums, talismans
In the studio, I have been making some new earthy talismans, to premier at the Talismans exhibit in ten short days. It’s been a wild ride to get the original work completed, photographed, documented, shared, I could go on and on about the crazy art business. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Feb 25, 2015 | art shows, artists, mediums, talismans
I have to admit, I love getting snowed in. It helps me focus on getting so much done for the Talismans exhibit opening March 15. Having a fire in the wood-stove and my husband home for days on end made it an extended Valentines week. As I write this, our 1/4 mile driveway is still impassible. My husband, on his favorite toy, mowed the drifts (my idea, since we do not have a plow) His car got out to the end of the driveway before it drifted over again. A few days later he delivered a cheerful bouquet by tractor. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Feb 18, 2015 | mediums, talismans
This post is about how I created the Talisman for Western Bluebirds, a mixed media collage with a 3-D artifact, step by step. This is one of the artworks to be featured in Talismans exhibit. Last week I posted about creating Talisman for Eastern Bluebirds, which you can see a small portion of in the first photo. Scroll to the bottom to see the professionally photographed version. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Feb 11, 2015 | mediums, talismans
This post is about how I created the “Talisman for Eastern Bluebirds”, a mixed media collage with a 3-D artifact, step by step. Some have asked what my process is, I hope this helps to explain. Next week I will post about creating “Talisman for Western Bluebirds”, which you can see a small portion of in the first photo. Scroll to the bottom to see the professionally photographed version.
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Feb 4, 2015 | 4 seasons, studio updates
Yesterday, at 10:45 pm, Eastern time was the midway point between the winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. I think of it as Mid-Winter. In the Celtic tradition it is considered the beginning of spring, Imbolc. We’ll be celebrating it this Saturday. If you can come on over, please let us know, so we have enough materials to share.
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Jan 30, 2015 | 4 seasons, art shows, artists, studio updates
Greetings from the studio! For the current edition of Mid-Winter Studio Update that I send from MailChimp, I am doing it differently, by continuing the news here on the blog for those who do not subscribe to MailChimp. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Jan 21, 2015 | works in progress
Before I got too far on this next necklace that I’ll call “Talisman for the Deep Blue Sea”, I remembered to photograph them as they arrived as a present from my son. He was able to respond to my heavy hint to visit Nomad Beads and see what Jake might have for me. These gorgeous beads are Russian Blues, and old cobalt pony beads. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Jan 18, 2015 | works in progress
I had to indulge myself some fun by collageing 24 Small Valentines, then made them into a new product, and also a small gift (see the sidebar) for anyone who wants to sign up to receive my quarterly MailChimp studio updates, and occasional good feeling greetings, invitations, or announcements. Check back later for some loving thoughts on that day… (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Jan 15, 2015 | art shows
One of my mottoes continues to be “infiltrate and heal”. To explain a bit, what I mean is that I firmly believe that art heals, by its very nature and existence. I say to students and art lovers, consider the power of art. And I am talking about live art, in person. It’s presence is a necessity, not a luxury in everyone’s life. It is especially needed where it can exude an influence. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Jan 6, 2015 | 4 seasons
Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the twelveth day of Christmas, corresponding to Pisces, (approximately) February 21 – March 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Pisces type activities like dream, pray, ask for a vision, have faith and trust. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Jan 5, 2015 | art shows
Today, see 3 new Red Birds on Artebella, Daily Archive of the Louisville Visual Art Association. Click here to see today’s Daily Archive page. These are from a series featuring drawings of red birds, watercolor, sumi ink and botanicals. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Jan 5, 2015 | 4 seasons
Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the eleventh day of Christmas, corresponding to Aquarius, (approximately) January 21 – February 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Aquarius type activities like find a group whose ideals you believe in, invent something we need, work on your vision of the future. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Jan 4, 2015 | 4 seasons
Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the tenth day of Christmas, corresponding to Capricorn, (approximately) December 21 – January 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Capricorn type activities like make your work your holy Dharma, take responsibility for something big. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Jan 3, 2015 | 4 seasons
Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the nineth day of Christmas, corresponding to Sagittarius, (approximately) November 21 – December 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Sagittarius type activities like go on a long trip, pray and meditate. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Jan 2, 2015 | 4 seasons
Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the eighth day of Christmas, corresponding to Scorpio, (approximately) October 21 – November 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Scorpio type activities like let go of toxic emotions, make love, talk with your ancestors. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Jan 1, 2015 | 4 seasons
Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the seventh day of Christmas, corresponding to Libra, (approximately) September 21 – October 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Libra type activities like practice balance in your relationships, be with other people.
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Dec 31, 2014 | 4 seasons
Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the sixth day of Christmas, corresponding to Virgo, (approximately) August 21 – September 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Virgo type activities like help someone, eat well, exercise, or talk with your mentor.
337 December 31, front
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Dec 30, 2014 | 4 seasons
Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the fifth day of Christmas, corresponding to Leo, (approximately) July 21 – August 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Leo type activities like create something, play with kids, be with your lover.
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Dec 29, 2014 | inspiration
Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the fourth day of Christmas, corresponding to Cancer, (approximately) June 21 – July 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Cancer type activities like make your home cozy. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Dec 28, 2014 | 4 seasons
Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the third day of Christmas, corresponding to Gemini, (approximately) May 21 – June 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Gemini type activities like read, think, take a short trip, communicate in some way. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Dec 27, 2014 | 4 seasons
Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the second day of Christmas, corresponding to Taurus, (approximately) April 21 – May 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Taurus type activities like appreciate beauty, relax and do something special for your body. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Dec 26, 2014 | 4 seasons
Each of the 12 Days of Christmas – December 26 until January 6 – corresponds to a sign of the Zodiac in the coming year. This is the first day of Christmas, corresponding to Aries, (approximately) March 21 – April 21. It is an auspicious time to observe what happens on this day, make note of your dreams, use your foresight and take this quiet time to plan that month ahead. To prime the pump of your imagination you can engage in some Aries type activities like explore, be courageous, initiate a project. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Dec 23, 2014 | 4 seasons
Now we arrive at the most potent days of the year, at least if you are Celtic. In ancient tribal times in Ireland & elsewhere, the cycles of time were based on natural elements and the moon, and divided into 13 months of 28 days. Each month was named for a tree, also the Tree Alphabet, or the Irish Ogham. Each month also had associations of animals and plants. To reckon for the extra day, December 23 became the Day out of Time, the most special and mysterious day of the year. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Dec 17, 2014 | 4 seasons
Around the world folks are making preparations for Solstice. Read in the postcard below about the Latvian Festival, Greetings to Four Brothers. House cleaning, decorating and preparing special food are a common thread cross-culturally – I love how that makes us similar in intent to welcome the light. The 18th is also the birthday of of Paul Klee, one of my favorite artists, he got me hooked on the color salmon. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Dec 12, 2014 | 4 seasons
This season is full of Spirit, so it thrills me to celebrate all the many reasons to do so. The darkness that is descending brings out our best human traits of striving for the light, connection and sharing. That is if we can successfully circumvent all the commercialism. The other day was the 50th anniversary of “Charlie Brown Christmas”. I thought wow, they thought it was commercial then, if they could see it now… (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Dec 10, 2014 | artists, talismans
“Talisman for Clear Thinking” is perfect for my dear friend Fox Hutt. Her weaving studio, Lacetree Weaving, one facet of Turtle Island Enterprises, is installed in the new addition to their house. Over the years, she has been available to help me sort out my thinking because she is so objective, with heart. It is rare to have a friend who is in tandem about integrating spirituality, art and gardening. That is Fox! (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Dec 9, 2014 | 4 seasons
Celebrating the season, today is the Day of the Transformation of the Benu – the Egyptian sunbird identified with Ra, the Sun God, Phoenix, lights on the World Tree in Heliopolis to announce the birth of of a New Cycle. Bring it on… (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Dec 3, 2014 | artists, Open Studio, talismans
It was an honor to welcome Laverne Zabielski to the studio for Open Studios. We’ve been wanting to visit each other, but a two hour drive involves planning. It is meaningful when a fellow artist wants to buy a piece. She said, “I love how you suggested that we consider pieces of your work that speak to us. I looked at everything in your studio. They were all beautiful. It was when I read the title of the piece that you made from my fabric, Talisman for Aging Gracefully that I knew it was for me.” (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Nov 19, 2014 | Open Studio, talismans
Well, “Talisman for Painters”, a favorite beaded artifact, has a new home, sold at the Open Studio. For a few years I could not part with it, I think because it was a paint brush from when we first built our house. The dried green paint on the brush was the first color of our outdoor window trim. Maybe I had to hold on to it to prove we completed the hardest task of our life. Like a diploma. (more…)
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by Kathleen O'Brien | Nov 14, 2014 | mediums
I said farewell to one of my most favorite collages, “Realm of Water”. It was wrapped up and sent off in secret with the recipient as a surprise at the Open Studio a couple of weekends ago. (more…)
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