50th Year as an Artist, 2017-2018

50th Year as an Artist, 2017-2018

My 50th year as an artist comes to a close as I write the last post, about the years 2017 – 2018. It’s with a sense of accomplishment that I complete this series, retrospective, 23 posts in all. It became a big visual resume that gives me a grounded sense of accountability to myself in regards to creative purpose. I hope it will serve to give perspective to anyone who inherits or buys my art, a real legacy, in my opinion because the images are served up with story. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 2014-2016

50th Year as an Artist, 2014-2016

In 2014 I created this version of my website, the grid was one of the first home page images of current art. My domain name remained the same since 1997 and from spring of 2010 until autumn 2014 I was blogging on this site. Since combining both on this version, it’s been an enjoyable art form for me. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 2011-2013

50th Year as an Artist, 2011-2013

Regarding the samples I chose to represent the years 2011 – 2013, I love the flow between each artwork. It validates that my instinct and intuition for creativity have common ground in shape, symbol, theme and asymmetry. That connectedness suggests (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 2009-2010

50th Year as an Artist, 2009-2010

Building a home requires so much beyond what I have in me to be adept at construction, let alone cleaning up after the wreckage. So when I found the brush that I was too tired to clean, justification came into play with one of the first of many talismans to follow. The collector who bought this treasures it and I’m happy for her, but darn, I wish I still had this! (more…)

Bright 10th Annual Autumn Open Studio

Bright 10th Annual Autumn Open Studio

The 10th Annual Autumn Open Studio took place on a brilliantly bright day. One year we had snow, but still art tourists came. This time everyone smiled all day because of the warmth and beauty. I’m always too busy talking to visitors, and Greg is busy with parking, so I don’t think to take photos during the event. Here are some taken before, everything is prepared. (more…)

Celebrating Mid-Autumn 2018, Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Autumn 2018, Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Autumn 2018, Studio Update

How can it be mid-autumn? Try as I might to keep up with the speed of it all, I seem to become exponentially slower.

I announce the culminating event of my 50th Year as an Artist, my 10th Annual Autumn Open Studio on November 3, which will include an architectural feature as well as an array of new products, art and bead necklaces. (more…)

New Paper and Bead Artifacts

New Paper and Bead Artifacts

New Paper and Bead Artifacts

This week I finished some paper and bead artifacts that have been in process for a while. One reason I like opening my studio four times a year, is for the deadline effect. I love creating the work, the creative challenge, for myself because I know I’ll always be accountable to myself to finish what is started. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 2007-2008

50th Year as an Artist, 2007-2008

2007 and 2008 were busy with national exhibits. The themes inspired new directions with media. For Exploring Multiple Dimensions at Albuquerque Museum of Art I created a series of collages, each art work comprised of two drawings with botanicals fused together with bees wax. We were keeping bees at the time and had a large supply. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 2003-2006

50th Year as an Artist, 2003-2006

Celebrating my 50th year as an artist, I left out a big series that I started in 2002; Book of Light, pages has more than 200 mixed media collages. Book of Light, page 24 is one of my favorites, composed on paper I made. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 2000-2002

50th Year as an Artist, 2000-2002

Celebrating my 50th year as an artist brings me to this century. As we were building our home I painted my last oil painting of Cosmic Nest series. The scene depicts a cosmic celebration of the millennium for my ancestors. The Grail featured in the painting is a wedding glass of my parent’s seated on a bardic table of remembrance that overlooks fireworks and galaxies. (more…)

Jennifer Gleason’s Sunflower Sundries

Jennifer Gleason’s Sunflower Sundries

Jennifer Gleason is the farmer and creator of Sunflower Sundries and the passion behind the products produced on her small farm. Her whole life has been dedicated to learning about homestead arts and loves making things by hand from local ingredients. We are so proud to know her and her husband, poet Jim Lally. Recently we visited their inspiring enterprise. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 1998-1999

50th Year as an Artist, 1998-1999

I’m celebrating my 50th year as an artist now looking at 1998-1999, a big turning point time. It was a time of experiencing the empty nest as my kids fledged and simultaneously engaging with a large body of oil paintings that Greg titled “Cosmic Nest.” This period culminated with designing our home, moving to Kentucky and building our new nest. (more…)

Sherry Hart Rocks

Sherry Hart Rocks

Sherry Hart is one of the most inspirational artists I have had the honor to know since the mid 1980s, through the Boulder Artist Gallery. Sherry Hart rocks! On a recent visit she shared her latest project 108 Prayers. It is a labor intensive project of not 108, but 1008 rocks painted with the labyrinth, by hand, no template! Anyone who has attempted to draw the labyrinth knows what a challenge it is. Sherry devotes painting as a meditaiton. A selection of 108 rocks was installed for an exhibit, Imaginary Maps, at McMane Gallery, First Congregation Church, 1129 Pine Street, Boulder, showing through September. (more…)

Mid-Summer Studio Update

Mid-Summer Studio Update

Atlas of the Year continues to be my central focus. I am thrilled to announce next spring’s online class – read all the details on this page. Much is involved with creating all the components, I work steadily on producing the content and extras, ideas that will bring more meaning and celebration into your daily life. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 1993-1996

50th Year as an Artist, 1993-1996

Celebrating my 50th year as an artist from the 1993-1996 perspective continues to be perplexing, because it was such a difficult period in my life, and I don’t have much art to show for it. My records show that I participated in several exhibits; Day of the Dead Zodiac, Memory Theater, Boulder Artist Gallery, Craft Design ’90, Colorado Artist Craftsman, both in Boulder, CO and Shamanic Search for Soul, University of Massachusetts. I was studying with some esteemed shamanic elders. During The Next 500 Years festival I hosted several members of the Northern Arapaho tribe. It was an honor to receive my drum made by Eagle Robe. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 1991-1992

50th Year as an Artist, 1991-1992

Celebrating my 50th year as an artist from the 1991-1992 perspective is perplexing, because it was such a difficult period in my life, and I don’t have much art to show for it. I am very proud of Eagle Feather, and wish I still had it, but it is being lovingly cared for by a dear friend. It is painted from a photograph I took at the Birds of Prey Rehabilitation Foundation, Broomfield, Colorado, where I was volunteering. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 1987-1988

50th Year as an Artist, 1987-1988

This post celebrating my 50th year as an artist, brings me to almost half way through my career and up to my 40th birthday. These were big years because of my studies in shamanic and transformational healing, and as the one being healed. How it manifested artistically was varied and prolific. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 1984-1986

50th Year as an Artist, 1984-1986

In an earlier post I talked about meeting Sun Bear, Rolling Thunder and my spiritual teacher, Wallace Black Elk, a Lakota Medicine Man. From him, I had the honor of learning about the traditions of the pipe, Chanupa, for several years. In the Stone People Lodge, his word for the Inipi Ceremony, one of the Seven Sacred Pipe ceremonies, he taught me how to pray and my heart opened. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 1983

50th Year as an Artist, 1983

These artworks are from 1983, sharing some thoughts as I continue to celebrate my 50th year as an artist. It is clear to me how influenced I was by Henry Miller, not only as a writer but also unbeknownst to me, an artist. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 1981-1982

50th Year as an Artist, 1981-1982

I’m still celebrating my 50th year as an artist, and remembering 1981-1982. Here’s a poor drawing that I love anyway, of a rare moment, because it shines with domestic pleasure and irony. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 1977-1980

50th Year as an Artist, 1977-1980

1977 and 1980 were landmark years in my life when I gave birth to my two children. Of course, this enhanced my experience as an artist. This post is timed to celebrate Mother’s Day today. (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 1974-1976

50th Year as an Artist, 1974-1976

As previously mentioned, synchronicity was ever-present on my mind, due in large part to the tremendous inspiration I derived from learning about symbols and dream study from Carl Jung. If I have any regrets about parting with an art work (more…)

50th Year as an Artist, 1971-1973

50th Year as an Artist, 1971-1973

This post covers 50th Year as an Artist, 1971-1973. The first image is my first stab at a logo: Boulder Arts and Crafts Co-Op. It began as an official Co-Op, I was the first treasurer. About a dozen avant guard artisans banded together to begin a wonderful business that is still thriving today. It was a vibrant tribe of artisans determined to succeed at their art. (more…)

Celebrating Mid-Spring Studio Update

Celebrating Mid-Spring Studio Update

It’s been a time of quiet progress since the last studio update, when I was focused on writing. That brought me to the finish line for Atlas of the Year, at least the writing and artwork. Next, it will take on several forms. For starters, the first installment of a print version is Atlas of the Year, Spring, East, Journal which I’m excited to premier at Spring Into Art, the next open studio April 28. In the works: a class, Atlas of the Year: mapping the path of our true being. (more…)

Some things you’ll see at Spring into Art

Some things you’ll see at Spring into Art

I’m not telling all, but just some things you’ll see at Spring into Art. Having my studio open four times a year motivates me to come up with surprises, new art, new projects, new products, new landscape vistas. It is a peek experience to greet and show you around, I would never want to hear that you have been here before and therefore, seen it all. (more…)